Book Interviews, Book Reviews, Books

UNDER THE STAIRS (Alan J. Hill) | Book Review + Author Interview

As you might have noticed if you read my website on a regular basis, I don’t tend to review fiction very often. I probably read a mixture of non-fiction and fiction with a fairly even split (though it’s sometimes weighted to the former, I’ll admit), so Under the Stairs wasn’t alien to me, but it was a change in pace and tone.

Put simply, Alan J. Hill’s semi-autobiographical tome is not the kind of novel I would traditionally read. I’m either in the market for books about popular culture, history, or fiction reads in the horror or science-fiction or pulp thriller realm. Under the Stairs is a sweeping, century-spanning tale of family, romance, tragedy and social history all in one package. Elements of it appealed to my tastes as a reader, other parts less so.

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