Social Media

Social Media is Unravelling | Feature

Are you on Threads yet? Cards on the table, I signed up on day one. On Instagram, you can see your Threads ‘number’, ie roughly when you joined in relation to everyone else. Mine is about 1 million, 30 thousand. Given that Threads now has 70 million users and rising, that puts me in the early adopter category.

The irony is, I don’t even really like Instagram. I’m not one for sharing a wealth of images about my life, or endless selfies. Now and then for a significant event – a holiday, maybe an anniversary – but I’ve never felt the need to relentlessly document my life online as a visual record. I’ve never quite known who it’s for. I suspect, for most users of Instagram, and it’s adjacent elder brother Facebook, it’s for them more than it is anyone else.

It’s a bit like when you relentlessly post pictures of your children. Is anyone really as interested in baby Jodie on a swing down the park as you, the parent, are? I’d venture not. Social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook to me are about the reinforcement of security. It’s about the likes, the positive affirmation, the belief you are a normal human being in a traditional system. Validation. You project the idealised image of your life for a positive return.

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